BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Friday 8 April 2011

The STRENGTH of Bismillah

Today I had the most vibrant and interesting conversation with some fellow muslims. Made me question DO WE PURIFY OUR ACTIONS. How often do we say Bismilah, Have we forgotton the power of starting everything with your right hand and feet and then Exercising our tongues to be righteous. We can make every act a step towards Allah, therefore Allah protects us throughout the day subhanAllah, I am now working on that. Lately I’ve been stressed, a little weak and unwell and this had me wondering have I purified my scenery, chased the bad energy away before I graced any place or anyone with my presence. Want for your brother/sister what you want for yourself…So please say Bismilah, MashaAllah, InshaAllah, Alhamdulilah! Read your duas, say salaam Alaikum even to an empty house or room…Walk by faith and not by sight.

May Allah Grant us Janah and Allow us to run towards him inshaAllah!!!!



  1. Bismillahi Rahman e Raheem.
    This is so true and unfortunately alot of us get lost in this dunya and forget the most basic of things. May Allah reward you for this reminder and help us to work together to better each other as well as ourselves Insha'Allah Ta'ala! Ameen!

  2. So true without a doubt it's such an easy reward to gain but such a simple task to forget, may we all work to better ourselves and one another.
