BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Paradise lies beneath her feet...

Kiss her feet, before you weep the last droplets of life. 
Every sector of her structure was shaped without apology
Ya Allah you ravelled perfection
Her breath left many breathless including me
Sweetest voice to be found so far apart from the heavens
She was unexplainable
She still is…
Her love is gravitational
Beautiful in ever starlight flaw
Her sour corners still leave eternity wanting her inside its claws
I watched her conceive souls
Leaving them endless and aching for more…
I'm aching…
I hope you ache for her once in this lifetime too
In her 5 feet length she's powerful,
And I prayed she'd remain mine a little longer
Praise thee above that I swelled her belly and gave her a glorious roar
Yes her first born
With the heart as deep as mountains and moist like the crystal rain she adores
I'm in love with her like cuddles and smooches
Missing that sneering bond
We use to be beginners in this journey
Now pros
That brings more than smiles to my soul
If I could cut it open just so you'd hear its giggles, i woud've bleed 18 years ago... 
But I'll leave you with this note although it's truly never-ending
Your structure was shaped without apology
Beautiful in every starlight flaw
You're my moments
And I your first born 

Yours truly

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