BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Monday, 9 May 2011

My cure for STRESS

Salaams loves, So yes I am the biggest stress-or of all times and I think its because I come from a Family of OVER achievers and Alhamdulilah highly motivated succesful individuals PLUS I definitely got the competitive gene (what can I say, all I do is win win win no matter what lol) I'm playing as this is life I fall off the ladder too many times to count. The most loved By Allah swt ARE ALWAYS TESTED!!! So I can up with a list of ways to allow myself to not take these exams, life joys and blessings to seriously....

1) EXERCISE at least 2/3 times a week.
2) Listen to Quran for at least 30mins before you begin your day and 30 mins before you finish your day, A day without Allah is a day wasted..
3) Always give yourself and hour in the morning to REALLY slow it down and get dressed (some colour can always brighten your day)
4) BREAKFAST should be whatever...discipline requires treats, Tomorrow IS NOT PROMISED, so enjoy.
5) SMILE, even during the worst days FORCE  smile, you'll be surprised how quickly the negative energy will flee from your inner soul.
6) while studying, take breaks inbetween.
8) Have a stress relief ALBUM....some good music too...take it back to the 80's
9) When it becomes overwhelming TAKE deep breaths
10) YOU can conquer the world...BELIEVE IT AND IT WILL HAPPEN

1 comment:

  1. Definitely taking some of these into account. Great Tips!!
