BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Monday, 4 April 2011

Mercy Of Marriage

As Salaam Alaikum

Life as I know it, is turning out to be a BIG bundle of JOY, Turning 21 soon, School and the WEDDING subhanAllah in the middle of your crazy life you have to stop and say ALHAMDULILAH!!! I am beyond blessed and Allah's mercy is the breathing PULSE within and around me. So as I get closer to the day and subhanAllah its close, I'll be putting up alot of marriage stuff up! This blog is becoming UNIVERSAL and my release after the crazy, busy days I have. 

So I've been reading up on marriage throughout my whole engagement and it has been a eye opener, this being my first relationship and seeing how close to Allah I've strived to become mashaAllah, I can honestly understand why it consumes half of OUR deen/Faith...someone once said in marriage you do not gain a person, you gain a WHOLE world and that's exactly what it is, a new planet, world...where you evolve into ONE physical/mental and emotional beat...How magnificent is the Almighty praising us with the opportunity to grow closer to JANNAH and his mercy with a warm soul and InshaAllah I pray my other half and I are lovers in the next life too underneath the shade & beauty of paradise. Ameen!!!

The best description that I personally have ever read describing the closeness of the spouses to each other is the Qur'anic verse which says: "they are your garments and you are their garments" (Surah Al Baqarah 2:187).

SubhanAllah the prophet (pbhu) would take time out to go race in the desert with his wife Aisha (RA) WE must conquer the fear of not being free...we MUST learn to play, love, risk and dig deeper and deeper into the crafts that make our lovers...our garments.

the Prophet Salallaahu 'aliahi wa'sallaam took his wife to watch the young Ethiopians playing and dancing their folk dances. 

But from what I've learnt from my mother and my future mother in that love is like a flower and it need continuous water, light...Marriage is love so it may wither or fade but its all in the palms given to us by Allah to be continuous in how we take care of each other...distractions are from Satan and our nafs (DESIRES) both play a part in misleading us...THE CLOSENESS TO ALLAH is vital because we will have a better chance in understanding and presenting mercy and love towards each other in the WAY IN WHICH WE SHOULD by maintaining our 5 daily prayers. 

Remember that you will be rewarded by Allah (SWT) for any emotions you show your wife as the Prophet (SAW) said "one would be rewarded for anything that he does seeking the pleasure of Allah even the food that he puts in the mouth of his wife...

I have come to learn faith and love through my relationship...and always think beyond the obvious, feeding your wife or husband, rubbing each others feet. Showing mercy and affection because something magical seperates them from everyone else

The word "Zawj" is used in the Quran to mean a pair or a mate. In general it's usage refers to marriage. The general purpose of marriage is so that men and women can love one another, provide company to each other, procreate and live in peace and tranquility to the commandments of God.

Marriage serves as a means to emotional and physical gratification. A form of worship because it is obeying God and the prophet (PBHU) - i.e. Marriage is seen as the only possible way for the sexes to unite under God. One could choose to live in sin but by choosing marriage one is displaying obedience to God.

Marriage is a "Mithaq" - a solemn covenant or agreement. It should not be taken lightly. It should be entered into with total commitment and full knowledge of what it involves. Your partner should be your choice for life. One should be mature enough to understand the demands of marriage so that the union can be a lasting one. for those married, MashaAllah May Allah continue to bring you both closer for the sake of his mercy Ameen. Those getting married, continue to learn and strive, enjoy the time you have awaiting your marriage...Those single, you are in the peak OF LIGHT, look around, learn, digest and await...patience in the key to everything and you are deserving of love inshaAllah.

Bismillah! Lets continue to bloom...

Love Fahima 


  1. Love this. Masha'Allah marriage is a huge blessing, very beautiful post. Insha'Allah it will all work out habibti. Good things happen to good people.

    "I pray my other half and I are lovers in the next life too underneath the shade & beauty of paradise. Ameen!!!" <---- this bit pulled at my heart strings, I don't know what else to say but Ameen thumma Ameen.

  2. Masha'Allah ukhty Fahima. Your words touch me deeply. You give strength and hope to everyone through every part of you! your words, your writings...everything!

    I sincerely wish you both the VERY best in this world and in the next. Ameen Ameen Ameen!!

    Your bigg sister 4 life! Najima

  3. M.A all the very best sister... i loved ur views...because mine are same as urs...:)
