BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Friday, 1 April 2011

Summer MUST haves!!!!!

Summer MUST haves! YES my loves I'll be guiding you through the latest trends that have captured by eyes as well as my HEART lolol!

So from what I gathered this summer is all about the BOLD AND BEAUTIFUL, DO not be afraid of colour. REDS, PURPLE, BLUES ETC! this is def the summer to mix it up with your neutral clothing! 
Make a MUSLIMAHS Fashion statement for the 2011 only months away! Yes modesty is the best policy!

1) BLAZERS are this Summers statement. I currently bought a beige one, watching the runway I realised white is the new black this summer. It goes with everything and turns any casual outfit into something trendy and fashionable. 

2) GRANDAD shirts are a must have!!! I own one and they are lavish, long, loose and fit for modesty. Topshop have featured all the summer colours in the new "Grandad shirts" 

3) WEDGES AND CLOGS!! drop the heels its summertime and you are required to bring the FIRE! wedges are comfortable and if you look hard enough, you'll find them at great values. CLOGS are hot too, I think its important to change it up! 

4) BEACH BAGS!!! YES YES YES I have my own and i'm patiently waiting my 21st b'day to wear inshaAllah/God willingly! They fit everything and look sooooooo FABULOUS and FRESH!

5) I'll admit i'm not into skirts like that but I love what the shops are offering for the warm weather and ITS so ideal for us hijabs and can still be worn through Ramadhan...PLUS isn't that colour amazing?!?!?


  1. So i love the skirt, shit and blazer. Not too sure if i would wear the wedges lol. But love the outfit nonetheless!!

  2. GREAT, thanks for the input hun! but its not an outfit lol its crucial summer essentials I found on the runway.

  3. <3 the colors! Gorgeous golden/earthly colors.

  4. you're gonna be startin ur own clothin line next huh? ;) Masha'Allah keep up the good work lil sis.


