BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Friday, 6 April 2012



How long has it been since I've updated...Ummmm FOREVER!!!! I'm Just in the process of ENDING my final year so I'm buzzing but I'm so busy, Allah knows best...Just got back from Kenya, it was an amazingggggggggggg experience to be back home again, with all my family celebrating a wedding ...Yes no-one gets down like my family...the traditions of somali, swahili and yeman rising into the sunset and as it all blended our heritage into existance...AMAZING Alhamdulilah. Allah is sooooo merciful for allowing me to experience that at such a crucial point in my life, where i feel like i'm evolving into something that even I'm not ready stressful as this year has been with school and all the other goodness...I cannot fail to admit how blessed I truly am...ONLY by Allah's mercy of course...okay ENOUGH with my yapping lol here are some pictures of the trip <3


  1. This is why I follow certain blogs: they are inspiring, endearing, fun, and most importantly they transport me to an experience I did not experience, but can get just a slice of it: SO SWEET. Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures sis. Keep blogging! May Allah grant you peace and success on your path to new awakening!

  2. Ameen sis, Thank you beautiful. May Allah reward you for your sweet message inshaAllah...Really made my day.

  3. Wow the pictures are just amazing and to u you look fabulous- hope your studying goes well inshallah x What are you studying ?

  4. Hey sis, Shukrun love, Currently studying psychology, inshaAllah I graduate in a month :-)
