BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Winter TRENDS!

Hey Sweetssss!!

I pray your all well!

Just wanted to blog about how excited I am for spring, no no really I'm like JUMPING out of my seat just thinking about the colours, the heels, wedges, bags...yummmyyy!!! BUT before we move on too fasts, I'm here to share winter looks by My Modern Majesty Team and Myself of course. Do check us out on Facebook!!!!

With love and Fashion


  1. i like your style, very classy and diva-ish ;)but in a good way !

    xx shay

  2. stylish...where did you get your chetah pants i have been looking for one for so long

  3. wow .. love the looks .. you look so awesome

  4. Thank you sweethearts!!! :-)

    The cheetah pants are part of a Jumpsuit I got from H&M during the summer but I would check topshop inshaAllah I'm sure they'll have some for the spring/summer season!!
