BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Salaams ladies, YES Eid is near by and I've always been a Eid outfit kinda girl lolol, I still get excited till this day about what i'll be wearing. So I lost my obession for dresses, I like to change it up here and now. BUT its BACK and bigger than ever, esp long sleeved dresses, they look so fabulous and on the plus side you don't have to wear a long sleeved top inside :-) yay! So for visual purposes heres what I'M TALKING OUT. Till later, Take care


  1. A long ruffles black skirt can really add some pazzaz to a modest outfit. I have one (cheaper version of the one pictured above lol) and I always get compliments. Thanks for posting these pics. Remember sisters, it's whats in our hearts thats matters more thans what we wear on the outside... so hook up your outfits but don't loose sight of what's truly important inshaAllah! I pray you have had a wonderful Ramadan!

  2. The ruffles black skirt really inspires me. love it!
