BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Thursday, 26 May 2011

My confessions of a shopaholic PART 2!

I LOVE POKA DOTS...And I've been dying to wear it, LITERALLY! So when I found it in HNM, I paired it WITH  a white blazer I received as a gift and a black maxi dress. Poka DOTS always remind me of pearls so I wore small pearls on my write and a BIG white ring! No necklace ( It would've been too much). Black heels that have  little gold bows in front to match the gold button on my blazer! My small black Aldo bag with some gold detail and that was it ladies. Great night, Lovely company and inshaAllah only more good things to come! Enjoy

1 comment:

  1. Lovely outfit!

