BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Friday, 29 April 2011

21 baby!

SubhanAllah can't believe I'm 21 lol it was hard enough coming to turns with 20. Alhamdulilah I've experienced so many blessings and mercy from Allah swt! The next couple of months are going to require a lot of hard work BUT all the love that I've been shown by all the beautiful lovely people in my life has given me STRENGTH! Thanking Allah for giving me another year to pray, love, smile and share more with everything and everyone. May we all Thank our creator for giving us more time to work in his favour!! LOVE LOVE LOVE and nothing but it! Happpyyyyy 21st B'day to me! (yesterday lolol) 


  1. Congrats sis! May you be blessed for years to come. I turned 21 studying overseas in Egypt so it was a bit lonely but shortly after I came back to the states so it was a great year haha.
    btw your scarf in the 2nd photo is so beautiful where did you get it from? lol

  2. Thank you beautiful! MashaAllah may Allah make it easy for you. My scarf is from london, InshaAllah whenever you travel here, i'll list you the best hijab shops :-)

  3. Happy Birthday dear. Ahh yes same here, I'm still in denial with my term with 21 lol. May Allah continue to bless you and shower you with love and happiness and may the next couple of month end in completeness and jubilation inshAllah. Stay beautiful salaam.

  4. Salamu'alykum Sister!

    May you be in good health...wishing you a fabulous Happy Birthday! May Allah give you all the happiness and fullfill your dreams & wishes Insha'Allah Ameen (^_^) Much Love... W.salaam.
    P.s: sowii it's late.

