BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Sunday, 13 February 2011

Splendid Jealousy

The mere image of them compressed onto each other, like a bundle of grain…
Had me inflamed…
An unconscious burn, of a lover I missed dearly…
Touching the sweet blazing concrete beneath allowed me to wander like lost daffodils
Our lips un-kissed
Hands naked and empty
We were thirsty…indeed we were in need of each other
Exploding into infinite dreams when distance had dashed past us for the 11th time, as if returning to a boundless reservoir…
And we had ached for it to evaporate between us…
So the warmth of a late December drenched us…
See, we were meant to soar like owls in midst of roses
Unfamiliar, yes of course…
But that’s what made us madly in love…
Everything, he surely was in palm of my hands
The musk he had left in the casket of my heart
Was reeking eternal juices into my soul
So maybe I was conscious of that burn
But his short visits had creased them for another day…
And I promised to remain unconscious to my conscious



  1. totally gave me a permanent smile :D
    bellisima! <3

  2. Are you ever gonna stop surprising me?!? Mashaa'Allah Aleyki habibti...<3

  3. Very captivating poem masha'Allah! Can't wait to read more isA :)

  4. I am speechless, MASHA'ALLAH!!! Absolutly beautiful mA... I am already looking forward to the next piece, iA.xx

  5. Beautifully written, and yet again the pic is lovely. Keep it up F. x

  6. fluid. Ive missed your writings much! i am sooo delighted, you have a true gift m'dear.
