BloOming with the flowers

BloOming with the flowers

Friday, 9 December 2011

Fashion LOVE! DUHH

Hey my precious ladies, How are you all? I pray your all well and in the best of health and happiness. So BECAUSE my page acts up, I can't always answer your comments but I will do my best to answer them on my next posts. So the sweet lady asked me where my fur waistcoat was from, Answer; its from ZARA!! AND it's very recent like a week old. :-) Any more questions don't hesistate to hit me up of course. So today I'll be featuring CAPE looks by my fellow MODERN MAJESTY (CHECK US OUT ON FACEBOOK) Team mate...This is Mrs Aliyah A, showing off her best capes! All the information on how to buy these capes are on the MODERN MAJESTY facebook fan page. With love, Fahima

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Those instrumentals reminded me of a ceremony, where the oceans had co-existed in a theme song, as these two strangers danced on a moonbeam course or maybe it was the pearl-like rays adorning my pupils seeping into his heart…it had all been such a sway of softness and I was unable to remember how or why it had begun… only allowing myself to dream of night and day in the same structure of musicals, intoxicated with love, hums and movements…Yes, the symphony continued to circulate this dream of what love should be, was to be…is to me…and I lay, unwilling to open my eyes, I was determined to dream till my body fell into an unknown seizure…but then it came… that eager nerve to open my eyes…only they had been open throughout this night…

By Fahima's blooms...
stay in LOVE


Hey beautiful girls, First I would like to Thank my new followers for leaving comments and just being GEMS. I'm extremely thankful. YES its suppppperrrrrr cold in london and this is that time of year where I love my boots and FUR so much more. Winter sales are soon, and I'm sure Fur coats/ waistcoats will go on sale. So today I'll be featuring a winter look, with a TOUCH of FURRRR. I hope you all enjoy!!! Stay fly ladies

With Love